Book review:
Alex Sherlock reviews Ellen Sampson’s book ‘Worn: Footwear, Attachment and the Affects of Wear’ for the academic journal Fashion Theory.
‘This is not a shoe’: doctoral thesis
‘This is Not a Shoe: An Exploration of the Co-Constitutive Relationship Between Representations and Embodied Experiences of Shoes’, doctoral thesis assessed by Dr. Agnès Rocamora and Dr. Katherine Davies, awarded April 2017.
'It's kind of where the shoe gets you to I suppose':
Materializing Identity with Footwear.
Open source article in the ‘Materiality’ issue of Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty, edited by Sophie Woodward and Tom Fisher, published by Intellect.
Young Men, Footwear and the 'Doing' of Masculinities
Conference paper for the Canadian Sociological Association Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Victoria British Columbia, 3rd-8th June 2013.
Worn Shoes: Identity, Memory and Footwear
As we enter the last 4 months of the If the Shoe Fits project the team are analysing and writing up the data that has been gathered over the last 3 years. At the end of February the first of our publications made it into the peer-reviewed journal Sociological Research Online.