Get InvolveD

There are several ways to get involved with the Network. Simply keep up to date with news and events via our LinkedIn page, Instagram account or scroll down to subscribe to our newsletter.

If you would like to find out about how to become a contributor, submit an event or suggest a resource you can do so by following the links below.

The beauty of shoes is that they can pop up in the most unlikely of places. Whether your area of enquiry focuses ‘solely’ on footwear, or perhaps shoes just feature as an ancillary aspect or observation within your research, we’d love to hear from you.

For all other enquiries please email

Become a Contributor

If you are a footwear researcher or your research features footwear, we would like to hear from you. Please submit your suggested contribution using the link below.

Articles can be longform or shorter ‘footnotes’ between 350-2000 words in length. Please include images or other media where possible. Categories include: Research News, Reviews, Publications, Events, Opinion, Shoe Stories, Essays, Creative Practice, Open Calls and Media. On acceptance, you will be asked to provide the following details.

  • Promotional image for the blog menu (square format .png or .jpeg) and a 20-50 word article synopsis.

  • A 50-70 word contributor bio and a picture of your favourite shoes (square format).

  • A preferred link for readers to get in touch.


Share an Event

Use the link below to notify us of any footwear-related events so that we may publicise them to our subscribers. Please provide the following information.

  • Description of event and promotional image (square format).

  • Date, time and location of event.

  • A link for further information/registration.

Please feel free to provide additional media to publicise your event.

Suggest Resources

We are currently constructing a page of footwear-related resources. Please contact us with your suggestions, including (but not limited to):

  • Publications (particularly journal articles and books)

  • Documentaries

  • Footwear courses

  • Footwear museums and archives

Please include links where possible.