If the Shoe Fits: Project film

This short film, produced by Sheffield Vision, introduces our research project at the University of Sheffield which is finding out how shoes contribute to people's identities and the ways in which footwear enables them to move between different parts of their lives. It focusses on a few of our participants to give an insight to some of the fascinating data the project is generating, much of which will be reproduced in academic articles and a documentary film - so watch this space for more information.Please follow the link below to watch the film which is 12 minutes long. We'd be really interested to hear your thoughts on the film and the project so please feel free to post your comments either on the blog (below) or on Youtube.

If the Shoe Fits. The Project.


The full documentary produced by Sheffield Vision is now available to view, we hope you enjoy…

Alexandra Sherlock

Alexandra is an academic in the School of Fashion & Textiles at RMIT University, Melbourne. Her research is situated in the field of material culture studies and focuses mainly on fashion, footwear, identity, embodiment and the theory of affordances. She was the postgraduate Researcher on the ‘If the Shoe Fits’ research project (2010-2013). In 2021 she relaunched the ‘If the Shoe Fits’ blog as the Footwear Research Network


Call for Papers: 'Dressed Bodies: A Symposium'


An Industry Perspective of the development of the Shoe