Out of step: Why sneakers and sportswear still lag on sustainability

Photo by RDNE Stock project: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-shopping-for-a-rubber-shoes-5698853/

Have you ever wondered what becomes of your old sports shoes? We might wear them for a year, then throw them out or donate them.

In this article for newswire publisher 360info, Dr Rebecca Van Amber and I examined some of the current sustainability challenges facing the sports and athleisure apparel market.

Alexandra Sherlock

Alexandra is an academic in the School of Fashion & Textiles at RMIT University, Melbourne. Her research is situated in the field of material culture studies and focuses mainly on fashion, footwear, identity, embodiment and the theory of affordances. She was the postgraduate Researcher on the ‘If the Shoe Fits’ research project (2010-2013). In 2021 she relaunched the ‘If the Shoe Fits’ blog as the Footwear Research Network


When Shoe Heritage is on Display: The Museums and Archives Directory 


The Footwear Research Network: a bridge between the footwear industry and academia